Thursday, October 18, 2007

Breathe Easy Baby!

So as maybe four of you know, I have been struggling with craft and general bookbinding. But it seems this struggle, at its root, comes from a flawed thought process where I direct frustration and anger within myself, thus complicating the process.

Tonight, during my bookmaking, I joked that I have to breath through my mistakes to prevent myself from overreacting and feeling generally shitty. But it's really not a joke. I've found that with every slip of my ruler or air bubble I find, I really do need to breath through it and it simply becomes more manageable, an in turn somewhat therapeutic. Tonight, after class I feel generally good and optimistic that this looming cloud of bad craft is slowly drifting away (how's that for wordiness!)!!

On another note, I have my first hot-yoga class tomorrow at 9:30!! I'm very excited about this supplement to my existing workout routine. I've heard great things about the class and look forward to the exhaustion!


minus five said...

see, i knew it would get better for you!

Kevin M. Scarbrough said...

Through the past six quarters, I've developed a new sense of morality. I firmly call it, "Portfolio Center morality," because frankly, the rules and social laws of the real world no longer apply in our environment.

They can't. Sanity must be found in alternate ways. Graduation is more of a pardoning experience than anything else.

Suffer not that which parts you from the twenty minutes of sleep a night you are allotted.