Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Okay, so I'm going out on limb and blogging about my roommate (again!) For the sake of "preserving" his reputation, Let's just refer to him as Apple (the same way Gwyneth Paltrow refers to her baby)!

So Apple has been camping out on the couch for like the past 4-6 weeks. And when I say camping, I mean stretched out on the couch from about 4:00 in the afternoon to about 11:30 the next morning. Now, I've fallen asleep on the couch numerous times, most of which were a result of alcoholic indulgences and maybe boredom, so I totally understand an occasional bed-vacation on the couch. However, Apple would fall asleep on the couch, wake up, walk upstairs, retrieve his pillow-comforter combo, and return to the couch to make a night out of it. This probably wouldn't bother me as much if I weren't such a fucking morning person! I thought this roommate dynamic may work because our natural time schedules are opposite--in other words, he's a night person and I'm a morning person. So by default, we would rarely see each other. But when these two time-table worlds collide, someone is bound to get their feelings hurt. And my god--did they ever!

Last week, I had enough of tip toeing around so as to not disturb his invasive slumber! I went about my 8:00 AM routine as if he were not loudly snoring on the couch. I successfully woke up him up while unloading the dishwasher, thus making my passive aggressive intentions known. For the record, I've attempted to discuss his odd sleeping habits so that I may understand them, and maybe work around them. These conversations don't typically get very far. To put it bluntly, Apple is pretty dumb. And that's the nicest way I know to put it. By about 10:00 AM I'm on my second cup of coffee and well into my itunes mix of the hour. As apple pounded away on his laptop, I poured over ideas of how to fix this cushion-crushing situation so that both parties involved are happy. And then...a revelation: We'll move his TV into his room. This solution, while not ideal, has remedied similar roommate conflicts in the past. We could create a retreat for him, a new world, an oasis!! So I perked my shaved little head up, turn to dumb-apple and pitch my idea to him.

His head shot up within my first spoken syllable. As he starred at me blankly (which may just be his natural relaxed look) I could feel my optic nerves start to shutter as if my stare was burning a hole into his forehead! He attempted to explain why he continues to sleep on the couch. He started with "well, it's not the TV that keeps me on the couch..." Without thinking or even understanding what was happening, he completely turned the conversation around to recount the events from the day before that led to his couch-camping.

With one solid thought, I finally realized that he doesn't understand why I'm talking to him about his sleeping habits. He has confused my curiosity with interest. To him, this conversation was an opportunity for him to share his life with me. To me this conversation was a bullet in my head, or rather, the head of the roommate dynamic I tried in vein to preserve. I knew what I had to do. I didn't want to do it. Apple is fragile, needy, and sensitive. He knows not of his awkwardness, or inappropriate behavior. But I had to make a choice: preserve the integrity of my environment and crush his hope of he and I becoming best friends forever or continue to listen to his pointless mind-numbing stories and vent my frustrations later over dinner with friends!?

I choose to preserve the integrity of my environment and crushed his hope of finding everlasting friendship in this little apartment world. After listening to him go on about nothing, I walked over to the couch and pretended to discover that the couch cushions, where he once slept so peacefully, had been disproportionally crushed by his massive body weight. I quickly adopted an innocent yet amused demeanor as I pointed out the obvious crushed cushion. He delivered in his defense yet another blank stare. My optic nerve pulsated, and without thought, I exclaimed "IT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE SLEEPING ON THE COUCH TOO MUCH!!!" He immediately became flustered and he examined the cushions. I just continued to stare. He looked straight into my eyes and could feel the contempt I had been harboring for the past 4 months melt the skin off his face. I felt like I was controlling his movement with my mind as he quickly tried to gather is comforter and pillow. Tripping over his feet and his words he confessed, "no more sleeping on the couch..." I poured another cup of coffee, sat down at my desk, and breathed a guiltily sigh of relief. The kind of sigh you breath after shooting an animal in the head to put it out of its misery and end its suffering.

It's been almost a week now since our little confrontation. It's almost amusing how quickly our apartment world changed. It reminds me of the final scene in Far and Away when Joseph and Shannon finally claim their plot of land, after fighting off the evil Stephen! The dynamic of the apartment now favors the dynamic I had with my father growing up. We used to walk on eggshells around him so as to not piss him off and get into an argument. But in this case, I've become my father. I manipulated the situation so that I remain in a controlling position within the apartment.

Apple now keeps to himself and stays in his room. Last night, as I was indulging in the 5th season of Six Feet Under, he literally crawled under the television so that he wouldn't hinder my viewing pleasure. This awkward behavior is a perfect example of how Apple's mind operates. He meant well, but just executed his intention is the most irritating and uncomfortable way possible. So I am left feeling good and guilty. Good because, now I know I can keep my work flow in tact, but oh so guilty because I was unable to solve this problem with the diplomacy and sensitivity that Apple so desperately needs.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Breathe Easy Baby!

So as maybe four of you know, I have been struggling with craft and general bookbinding. But it seems this struggle, at its root, comes from a flawed thought process where I direct frustration and anger within myself, thus complicating the process.

Tonight, during my bookmaking, I joked that I have to breath through my mistakes to prevent myself from overreacting and feeling generally shitty. But it's really not a joke. I've found that with every slip of my ruler or air bubble I find, I really do need to breath through it and it simply becomes more manageable, an in turn somewhat therapeutic. Tonight, after class I feel generally good and optimistic that this looming cloud of bad craft is slowly drifting away (how's that for wordiness!)!!

On another note, I have my first hot-yoga class tomorrow at 9:30!! I'm very excited about this supplement to my existing workout routine. I've heard great things about the class and look forward to the exhaustion!

At long last....

Alright, here they are...the first two books I've made this week. After all the bitching and moaning:

So, I went through about 400 pieces of paper to get 8 sheets that were cut accurately and folded perfectly. Before I glued, the book was pretty perfect. After I glued, it messed some things up. But I'm taking into class with me, and will be analyzing the craft work CSI style! I do feel less intimidated by the book making process than I did last week when I started. It's only been a week, but I can tell my heart is in the right place, and I will get better. However, if anyone has any gluing tips, please pleas please pass them along!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Pissed Off

I am so fucking frustrated I could just scream!

I had my first class in book making last night. We made an accordion fold book. It wasn't as hard as I thought. But since I have spent the last fucking 6 + years of my life avoiding all things creative, I do not have a viable skill set to save my life. That said, I thought it would be a GREAT idea for me to try to make another book just like the one I did last night. Thinking, of course, that the more I do this the easier it'll get. BULLSHIT. BULLSHIT. BULLSHIT. The more I do this the angrier and more frustrated I get. For those of you who say that bookmaking is soothing and relaxing, I invite you to spend a few hours in my head, and I assure you'll find that it's all but soothing and relaxing.

As I sit down to even write this blog, I can see and hear the disappointment of my last critique panel as they try not to vomit all over my pathetic attempt at a clamshell box (of which I made FIVE of to try to get it right!!!). I know that as a 5th quarter designer my weak craft is pretty much a sin, as if making a poorly crafted box in your 5th quarter can easily be equated with taking a shit right in the middle of church. This shit comes soooo much easier to everybody else in my quarter. Those who were fortunate enough to embrace their creative side at an early age and cultivate into what it is today can pull shit out of their ass and make a perfectly bound book out of it. It's like for every step they take forward, I have to work twice as hard to just get to where they are, and I seldom feel as though I am on par with them. And I know I shouldn't compare myself to other people, especially people who have been doing this a hell of a lot longer then me. But in this PC culture, I can't help but feel like a lesser designer because I can't fucking glue two sheets of paper together without fucking it up.

Monday, October 08, 2007


I shaved my head last night. I like this much much better!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Can't F-ing sleep!

About two hours ago I had a violent nightmare. I've been wide awake staring out of my window--fully alert and completely unable to sleep. I can't recall the nightmare, but it scared me awake. So instead of just watching my clock tick until the alarm goes off, I figured I'd make good use of the time and blog.

The quarter started up again. Boy did it ever. Those who know the PC experience know that you don't know your class schedule until the quarter starts. After you get your schedule, then you can start negotiating which classes you want and which ones you don't want. Before you start to negotiate with the powers that be, you have to first negotiate with yourself. I'm sure that's part of the reason why I'm unable to sleep. My schedule this quarter is HEAVY. I know I need to drop a class, but can't figure out which one. Logically, I know I should to attend each class, and then make my decision based on the information that I get. But I'm so paranoid and anxious about this quarter, that I feel like I need to know exactly what's going on from the start.

It's officially been a year now since I've been at PC. I still know I made the right decision to come down here and do this. But starting the second year has intensified things. We're all more serious, we all have a new set of skills to work with. It's like we're coming out of training and stepping up to the plate, ready to give our a A-game. As I picked up my schedule and recounted the highlights of the break, I noticed a subtle sense of confidence that everyone in my quarter has now. It was kind of humorous to hear the students from the quarters below me ask about the classes that I've already been through. It's like I can offer advice now. It's a great feeling, but also a bit odd, as I know I have more to learn and more to perfect.

I thought it may be a good idea to post some of my favorite pieces of work from the past year. But then I realized that I hadn't pulled everything off my external hard drive that I wanted to post. And since it's like 4:00 in the morning, and I'm still actually laying in bed in hopes of maybe napping before my alarm goes off. I'll post what I have:

From second quarter: Parts of my comic book--for Intro to design history:

From 3rd quarter: roost covers--publication design/ roost is a magazine that I came up with to celebrate living in small spaces--spreads to be posted soon!

There are a few things missing that are worth posting.... but for now, this is it.