Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I have a Paris Hilton song on my ipod.

Yes. Its true. Slightly shameful. But true.

I like to think that my music selection is pretty eclectic and diverse. I have everything ranging from the Bram Stoker's Dracula Soundtrack to Mary J. Blige to....well Paris Hilton. Music has always played a big role in my life. Remembering a song is like holding onto a memory. I associate ALL OF my music with something from my life. I even have certain songs that I can only listen to during a certain season. For example, Tori Amos's From The Choirgirl Hotel will forever remind me of driving my 1989 Merkur Scorpio home for my first winter break during my freshmen year of college. The connection with that album is so strong, that it can sometimes make me feel cold. It's really amazing.

So in what capacity will this Paris Hilton song have on me? Well... for starters, it currently resides in my FIFTH work out mix on the ipod. It's the second song on the playlist. The pace of the rhythm fits perfectly with the beginning phase of my work outs. It's up beat, not too clubby, and generally happy. I kid you not-- listening to this song while running, actually helps with the releasing of endorphins! The only downfall to this is if i listen to it too much, then it will loose its affect hence my on-going search for fun, not too clubby workout music. I usually have to make a new work out mix every couple of weeks to keep things interesting! Madonna has come out with some great live albums, which are REALLY fun to listen to when working out. I find the loud applause to be particularly inspiring!


elsabelle said...

I love Tori Amos' From The Choirgirl Hotel, too (but shh, don't tell anyone). But Paris Hilton? C'mon! I mean, it's not like a want a copy of your workout mixes. Because really I would just hate you if you made me one. Friendship. Entirely. Terminated.

(sheesh okay make me a copy if you insist....)

Unknown said...

I didn't even read this. We're no longer friends.

minus five said...

don't feel bad. i have britney spears and milli vanilli and debbie gibson and air supply and the styx on mine. on and peter cetera and aaron neville.

i don't have any paris hilton, but i'll add it and listen to it frequently just to make you feel better.

D0nnaTr0y said...

I am forever in your debt for the Alias mix you copied for me. I just ran a frightfully hard 5 miles on the treadmill yesterday (I'm a bit out of shape right now)and that mix was the ONLY thing that got me through!

(well, that, and me pretending that I was Sidney Bristow and every song was part of montage where I was running and beating the crap out of the bad guys!)

ktothefe said...

E--your mix is on the way. Promise-Pilgram

K- no words.

MF-LOVE debbie gibson and air supply. I think we are bonded for life.

D--I'm impressed with the 5 miles!!! I can barely get through 3 these days!